22lb Conger

Sunday, 1 August 2010

A slightly better trip

I was Billy no mates this weekend with everyone backng out last minute.
Had planned to fish Alum Bay, but with showers forecast didn't fancy the climb down or up, so where to go?
There was a stiff wsw wind blowing, I could fish the eastern end of the Island to get out of the wind, but reports were poor with only small bream etc, so opted to try Colwell Bay again the western end with the wind coming straight in off the sea. Arrived to find a good surf running and it looked good for a fish or two.

Well I was set up and baits were out just before 9pm, one rod using a pennel and half a bluey in search of a Bass and the other a two hook flapper with size 1 black aberdeens ad Rag for Sole etc. The wind was very strong and I was glad of the beach buddie.

Just before 9.30pm the worm rod lunge round and after a good little scrap, which I thought was either a Bream or small Bass, both of which normally abound here, the first fish of the night came in and it was neither but a fair sized Red Mullet of 1.5lb.

Now that was a good start.
Darkness arrived and the Pout then kept me active for the rest of the night, around high I did manage a school bass of just over a pound.
The rain arrived just before midnight and it was torrential.

I fished on till 5am but tired and with the Pout bites stopped I called it a night.
Another slow night but at lest a new species for the year.

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