There was five of us set up by 7.30pm, the weather was gorgeous still, with a gusty breeze but the sea was flat calm.
As usual I employed clip down rigs with strong sharp 4/0 hooks and large sandeel for bait, also had mackerel which I would try wrapping a fillet around an eel.
We were standing around chatting when all of a sudden a shoal of mackerel appeared straight in front of my rods, by the time I'd reeled in changed to feathers they were 600 yards further down the beach, so off I went after them as fast as my little legs could carry me.
But I couldn't catch them, they were moving like a train, so I stopped and cast parallel to the beach and manged to catch a straggler, but job done another one off the species list.
The other lads run off after them but only one of them manged to land a couple.
Back went the clp down and I continued to try for a Ray.
The sun dissapeared below the horizon and we were hopefull of some bites.
Well darkness finally arrived but no bites, not even the obligatory Pout or Doggies, something was wrong.
The time dragged on, all manner of baits and combinations but to no avail.
Finally around high we started to catch a few pout and Liam had this Doggie.
We fished on till dawn around 4am when even the Pout had stopped, and then thats when we saw the culprit, net marker bouys stretched for hundreds of yards either side of us, no more than 500 yards out.
Saturday and wightfihing site was holding a species hunt comp at Colwell Bay. Arrived and was set up ready for the start at 8pm.
Ragworm on a size 2 flapper rig and a clip down with big worm bait I opted for.
Within minutes I was gettine a good rattle on the clip down and in came the 1st species, a 7oz Ballen Wrasse.
After that nothing, this venue normally produces plenty of species but things were quiet again. Darkness arrived and my 2nd species was landed a very small plaice, but as it was a catch and release species hunt they all counted.
Finally with an hour to go I managed my 3rd species an 8oz Pout giving overall victory in the comp.
Well despite the lack of fish, it was an enjoyable night with good company and well organised, so am looking forward to the next one.
I just hope next comp we can actually find some decent fish.
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