22lb Conger

Sunday, 9 January 2011

A Fish, I got a fish!!!!!

Friday evening despite the wind and rain I decided to have a go at Yaverland, arrived and surf was big so moved to Shankln, first cast and both rods were stuck, 2 lost rigs :(
Then the rain really started so decided to call it a night, but arriving in E-Cowes decided to give the front a go, had 3 hours down there, apart from a couple of nibbles, another blank.

Saturday arrived at the eastern end of the Island, Bass and Flounder my target, was set up by 6.45pm, the tide was very low but decided to fish it up.
High water was at 2am and by 12.30am I'd not even had a nibble, then all of a sudden the rod went mad I struck and missed it.
This was how things continued for the next hour and half, lots of bites but I couldn't connect, so after removing the hooks and replacing with size 2's I was finally in, the culprits being, as suspected, small schoolies.
It had taken 21 hours of fishing to land my first fish of the year. And here it was. never has a fish been so hard fought for, small but I was really chuffed with it.


The bites continued but still couldn't land anymore, it was getting on to 3am, and I'd promised the Mrs I'd be home then, I was going to be late.
Winding in to pack up I found my 2nd species a 7oz shore rockling.


So finally I caught some fish, will be out as soon as possible for some more.

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